Image |
Name |
Description |
Inventory |
Location |
Mann Target |
5 x 7 Mann Target |
SV-001 |
Park |
Ring Target |
5 x 7 |
SV-002 |
Park |
1876 Silver Prize Ladle |
13 x 3 1/2 ladle won at Schuetzen Park by Burmeister in 1876 date on reverse of handle and D Sch G on front of handle Davenport Schuetzengesellschaft |
SV-003 |
Park |
Elmer Jens with DSA King Medal |
Black and white photograph |
SV-004 |
Park |
Ernst Wilckens Photograph |
Black and white - Ernst Wilckens Davenport Schuetzen Verein President 1903-1946, also Vice President 1899 & 1902 president a total of 44 years. |
SV-005 Park |
Davenport Schuetzen Verein Kings |
Black and white photo negative of the 24 Kings from 1870 through 1893. Very large format. Background art work on photo board by Henry Brandt. |
SV-006 |
Park |
Davenport Schuetzen Verein Kings |
Photograph negative of Shooting Kings from 1896 through 1916 with some cameos missing or never completed. Background art work by H. Incza of Davenport very large format. |
SV-007 |
Park |
Davenport Schuetzen Verein Score Ticket |
4 1/2 x 2 1/2 1917 People's Target score result for Hugo Ranzow |
SV-008 |
Park |
1890 Schuetzenfest Festschrift |
Davenport Schuetzen Verein chronicle of event results July 24 - Photocopy |
SV-009 |
Park |
4 Muhls with medals and rifles. |
8 x 10 photo of (l to r) Dale Muhl, Gus Muhl, Bill Muhl and Jule Muhl. Seated in the INN at Schuetzen Park. |
SV-010 |
Park |
Group of Shooters ca. 1920 |
7 x 18 photo of Shooters in front of INN at Schuetzen Park. Elmer Jens seated 4th from left front row. Two Scans made for posting of entire photo on this website |
SV-011 |
Park |
Group of Shooters ca. 1920 |
2nd (left) half of scan |
SV-011 |
Park |
Group of Shooters |
8 x 10 black & white photograph. Group posed next to the Shooting House at Schuetzen Park ca. 1910 |
SV-012 |
Park |
Central Sharpshooters Group Photo |
1921 Central Sharpshooters Union Prize Shoot at Schuetzen Park. 1 of 2 scans to display on this site. |
SV-013 |
Park |
Central Sharpshooters Group Photo |
1921 Central Sharpshooters Union Prize Shoot at Schuetzen Park. 2 of 2 scans to display on this site. Original size of photo unknown. |
SV-013 |
Park |
Familie Reniér |
Familie Reniér from The Transvaal (South Africa) Master Schuetzen (sharp shooter) family members. |
SV-014 |
Park |
1907 Herbsen Schuetzenfest Foto |
9 x 6 1/2 B & W photo on fiber board mat. Group photo taken in July, 1907 in Herbsen, Hessen, Germany. |
SV-015 |
Park |
1913 Herbsen Schuetzenfest Foto |
9 x 6 1/2 B & W photo on fiberboard mat. Group photo of the 225th Schuetzenfest in Herbsen, Hessen, Germany. July 20 & 21. |
SV-016 |
Park |
Maysville, IOWA Schuetzenverein |
Black and white photo c. 1900 |
SV-017 |
Web Image only |
Dixon Iowa Schuetzenverein Ribbon |
27 Juli 1883 Green silk membership ribbon from the Dixon, Iowa Schuetzenverein. Missing top pin-clasp. |
SV-018 |
Web Image Only |
Iowa Farmers Schützen-Bund Ribbon |
5. June 1887 4th Iowa Farmers Shooting Festival ribbon. 1 1/2 x 6 with brocade. Wheatland, Iowa |
SV-019 |
Park |
Iowa Farmers Schützen-Bund Ribbon |
16 June 1889 Dixon, Iowa 6th Shooting Festival ribbon 1 1/2 x 6 with brocade. |
SV-020 |
Park |
Der Demokrat Receipt |
Orginal 1864 receipt for services and items sold to the Davenport Schuetzengesellschaft. |
SV-021 |
Park |
1931 Biennial Shooting Tournament Photo |
8 x 19.5 inch black and white glossy photo. Photo taken in front of the Inn at Schuetzen Park. 1 of 4 archive entries |
SV-022 |
Park |
1931 Biennial Shooting Tournament Photo |
8 x 19.5 inch black and white glossy photo. Photo taken in front of the Inn at Schuetzen Park. 2 of 4 archive entries |
SV-022 |
Park |
1931 Biennial Shooting Tournament Photo |
8 x 19.5 inch black and white glossy photo, reverse side with info. Photo taken in front of the Inn at Schuetzen Park. 3 of 4 archive entries |
SV-022 |
Park |
1931 Biennial Shooting Tournament Photo |
8 x 19.5 inch black and white glossy photo, reverse side with info. Photo taken in front of the Inn at Schuetzen Park. 4 of 4 archive entries |
SV-022 |
Park |
Wheatland Schuetzen Verein Kegelbahn Card |
2 1/2 x 4 score card for bowling, repurposed for shooting. |
SV-023 |
Park |
Wheatland Schuetzen Verein Mann Score Card |
2 1/4 x 4 Mann target shooting score card |
SV-024 |
Park |
Wheatland Schuetzen Verein Stich Score Card |
2 1/2 x 4 Stich target shooting score card |
SV-025 |
Park |
Wheatland Schuetzen Verein Volks Score Card |
2 1/2 x 4 Volks target shooting score card |
SV-026 |
Park |
Lyons Schuetzen Verein Target Score Cards |
Score cards as shown - dates unknown |
SV-027 |
Park |
Henry Berg Gun Article |
Complete issue of MAY 31, 1862 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN with a 1/2 page illustrated report-IMPROVED BREECH LOADING GUN from HENRY BERG- DAVENPORT, IOWA Removed from a bound volume- there is minor edge wear to the spine edge with some small punch holes along the spine edge there are some light blemishes and wear overall with some light fold marks. |
SV-028 |
Park |
1907 Schuetzenfest Photo of Christian F. Jansen |
5 x 7 Cabinet group photo on paperboard at 1907 Schuetzenfest Charleston S.C. Christian F. Jansen far right. Condition: Good, Donated by Chris Jansen / Great Granddaughter |
SV-029 |
Park |
Portrait of Christian F. Jansen |
5 x 7 Cabinet photo on paperboard. Christian F. Jansen. Condition: Good, Location: Park, Donated by Chris Jansen / Great Granddaughter |
SV-030 |
Park |