Image |
Name |
Description |
Inventory |
Location |
1908 Kreis Turnfest Real Photo Postcard |
Sepiatone 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 postcard postmarked June 29, 1908. Group photo of gymnasts on bars on the athletic field at Schuetzen Park |
DTG-001 |
Park |
Liederbuch Deutsche Turnerschaft |
3 1/2 x 4 1/4 pocket size song book. |
DTG-002 |
Park |
East Davenport Turners 5 cent Token |
Aluminum token 1 inch diameter. |
DTG-003 |
Park |
Dubuque, IOWA Turnhalle |
Picture postcard. Not written on & not postally cancelled |
DTG-004 |
Park |
Davenport Turngemeinde Founders Photo |
4 x 6 1/2 photo by Huebinger. Depicts Christian Mueller, Gus Becker, Carl Matthey, F. Fahner, Rev. Niederschmidt etc. |
DTG-005 |
Park |
1892 East Davenport Turners Ball Invitation |
3 1/4 x 4 1/4 invitation on heavy card stock. |
DTG-006 |
Park |
Lady Turners Group in Costume |
6 1/2 x 4 /1/4 Studio photo of Lady Turners group. By Huebinger. |
DTG-007 |
Park |
Lady Turners Pair Photograph |
Studio photo of a pair of costumed lady Turners. By Huebinger. |
DTG-008 |
Park |
Marcella Latzer Photograph |
Marcella Latzer in front of the Music Pavilion at Schuetzen Park during the June, 1923 Kreis Turnfest. |
DTG-009 |
Park |
East Davenport Turners Wooden Nickle |
1 1/2 diameter "Good for One Free Drink" token. |
DTG-010 |
Park |
Constitution and By-Laws of the Davenport Turngemeinde |
4 x 6 booklet 1931 32 pages |
DTG-011 |
Park |
1913 Denver, CO Golden Jubilee Turnfest Program |
5 1/2 x 9 Program booklet with 8 pages |
DTG-012 |
Park |
1932 Moline, IL Turnfest Program |
9 1/2 x 6 1/2 Program booklet 12 pages. |
DTG-013 |
Park |
1948 Davenport Turner National Bowling Tournament Program |
9 x 6 Program booklet 30 pages. |
DTG-014 |
Park |
1930 Buffalo New York Turnfest Program |
7 1/2 x 10 54 pages National Turnfest Number |
DTG-015 |
Park |
1908 Davenport Kreis Turnfest Program |
9 1/4 x 5 fold-out program. Many local ads. Freie Deutsch Schule. June 25, 26, 27, 28. |
DTG-016 |
Park |
N.W. Davenport Tuners ByLaws |
4 x 5 pocket booklet |
DTG-017 |
Park |
1936 Cleveland National Turnfest Program |
8 x 11 48 pages. |
DTG-018 |
Park |
Two 3 ring binders of Turner Newspaper Clippings |
Hundreds of newspaper clippings from 1936-1939, mostly Davenport N.W. Turner events. |
DTG-019 & DTG-020 |
Park |
1923 Kreis Turnfest Photo |
3 x 5 1/2 photo of Ben Berg judging prize turning at Schuetzen Park |
DTG-021 |
Park |
1923 Kreis Turnfest Photo |
3 x 5 1/2 photo of John Trauffer in prize turning contest high jump. |
DTG-022 |
Park |
Grundsaetze und Forderungen des Noramerikanischen Turnerbundes |
Constitution and ByLaws of the North American Turnerbund in German dated 1900 |
DTG-023 |
Park |
Davenport Turngemeinde Drum & Bugle Corp Photograph |
8 x 10 black and white by Frohmader |
DTG-024 |
Park |
1893 Milwaukee Turnfest Program |
Multi page 10 x 8 Event program book. |
DTG-025 |
Park |
American Turner Song Book |
10 x 7 multi page songbook |
DTG-026 |
Park |
American Turnerbund Annual Report |
6 x 9 multi page booklet |
DTG-027 |
Park |
Davenport Turngemeinde Members c. 1880 |
6 1/2 x 4 multi-photo cabinet card. Instructor William Reuter in center. |
DTG-028 |
Park |
DTG 1909 Commers Program |
5 x 10 1/2 opens to 5 x 21 Honoring the passing of Heinrich (Henry) Koehler |
DTG-029 |
Park |
DTG 1907 Grosser Commers Program |
6 3/4 x 10 1/2 single page program |
DTG-030 |
Park |
DTG 1900 Grosser Commers Program |
8 x 11 4 pages celebrating the 700th member to be inducted. |
DTG-031 |
Park |
DTG 1902 Grosser Commers Program |
8 x 11 4 pages |
DTG-032 |
Park |
DTG 1899 Grosser Commers Program |
8 x 11 program celebrating the induction of the 600th member. |
DTG-033 |
Park |
DTG 1925 Annual Honor Banquet Program |
8 x 11 4 pages honoring Charles Ranzow and John Bredow 50 year members. |
DTG-034 |
Park |
DTG 1908 Washington Lincoln Celebration Program |
6 x 10 4 pages |
DTG-035 |
Park |
1908 Davenport Kreis Turnfest Pin |
1 1/4 inch pin for the June 25-28 event held at Schuetzen Park. |
DTG-036 |
Park |
DTG Turner Hall Tavern Sing-A-Long Card |
4 x 9 1/4 4 pages of songs in English & German |
DTG-037 |
Park |
DTG Turner Hall Tavern Sing-A-Long Card |
4 1/4 x 7 1/2 4 pages of songs in English & German |
DTG-038 |
Park |
DTG Turner Hall Sterling Silver Spoon |
5 1/2 engraved with hallmarks |
DTG-039 |
Park |
Albert Pertersen Maennerchor Mug |
3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Director of the Tri-City Symphony, Director of the Fair Booster Band and Petersens Band. Has chips ans stress cracks. |
DTG-040 |
On loan to German American Heritage Center, Davenport |
DTG Turner Hall Dish |
4 1/2 x 6 souvenir novelty dish with photographic transfer of the Central Turner Hall in Davenport |
DTG-041 |
On loan to German American Heritage Center, Davenport |
DTG Turner Hall Novelty Pitcher |
2 x 2 Souvenir pitcher with view of Central Turner Hall Davenport |
DTG-042 |
On loan to German American Heritage Center, Davenport |
1906 Tuner Fair Novelty Vase |
2inch Souvenir of the annual Turner Fair held at Davenport Central Turner Hall. Theme of the event Alt Heidelberg. |
DTG-043 |
On loan to German American Heritage Center, Davenport |
DTG Turner Hall Art Nouveau Vase |
3inch Souvenir of Davenport Central Turner Hall stress crack at top made in Germany for Hinrichs Crockery Co of Davenport |
DTG-044 On loan to German American Heritage Center, Davenport |
DTG 1879 Maskenball Adv. |
Adv from Der Demokrat still intact partial pages for Feb 8 1879 Ball in Davenport Turnhalle |
DTG-045 |
Park |
American Turner Logo brass printers block |
1/2 inch printers imprint block on wood base |
DTG-046 |
Park |
Buffalo, IOWA Turner Hall Post Card |
Black and white photograph post card postmarked Jan 22 1908 Made by Geo L Stevens of Chicago |
DTG-047 |
Park |
Turner Hall Rectangular Dish |
4 1/2 x 3 china dish with photograph transfer of Davenport Central Turner Hall at 3rd & Scott Streets |
DTG-048 |
Park |
DTG 75th Anniversary Booklet |
7 x 10 26 pages |
DTG-049 |
Park |
DTG 100th Anniversary Booklet |
9 x 11 1/2 110 pages |
DTG-050 |
Park |
NW Davenport Turnverein Ribbon |
2 1/2 x 8 inch with celluiod pin hanger by Lemm & Schlafke of Davenport |
DTG-051 |
Park |
Moline C G Turnverein 25 Year Pin |
1/2 x 3/4 inch 14k gold membership pin |
DTG-052 |
Park |
East Davenport Turners 25 year Pin |
3/4 x 1 inch 14k gold membership pin |
DTG-053 |
Park |
DTG 1897 Volksturnen 1st Prize Pin |
2 1/2 x 1 /14 two piece 14k gold pin with chains. By Nabstedt and Sons awarded to F A Strohkarck |
DTG-054 |
Park |
Kreis Turnfest Turner Hall Post Card |
Special event stamped card postally used postmarked June 26 1908 |
DTG-055 |
Park |
Davenport Central Turner Hall Post Card |
used but not postmarked printed by Rock Island Post Card Co |
DTG-056 |
Park |
DTG Fair Post Card |
Turner Fair Alt Heidelberg Nov 24-29 1906 postally un-used printed by Wagners Printery Davenport |
DTG-057 |
Park |
DTG 1883 Members Portrait |
4ft x 3ft 100+ membership of the DTG photograph portrait by Lenz Studio |
DTG-058 |
Park |
1906 Turner Fair Festschrift |
2006 chronicle of the Alt Heidelberg Fair at DTG Central Turner Hall Davenport |
DTG-059 |
Park |
1968 DDR Turner Magazine |
8 x 11 1/2 East German Turners Der Turn und Sportwart Heft 11 Nov |
DTG-060 |
Park |
1968 DDR Turner Magazine |
8 x 11 1/2 East German Turners Magazine Der Turn und Sportwart Heft 11 Jul |
DTG-061 |
Park |
DTG Patriotic Event |
8 x 10 probably on stage at Central Turner Hall ca. 1918 photo by Studion Deluxe of Davenport |
DTG-062 |
Park |
Turnerbund Diploma |
12 x 16 Ray Miller 1st place parallel bars June 10, 11, 12, 1927 Clinton, Iowa |
DTG-063 |
Park |
Turnerbund Diploma |
12 x 16 Ray Miller 3rd place Horizontal bars June 10, 11, 12, 1927 Clinton Iowa |
DTG-064 |
Park |
Turnerbund Diploma |
12 x 16 Ray Miller 2nd place long horse June 10, 11, 12 1927 Clinton, Iowa |
DTG-065 |
Park |
Turnerbund Diploma |
12 x 16 Ray Miller 3rd place in prize turning Jun 8 1929 at N W Davenport Turner Hall |
DTG-066 |
Park |
1944 Davenport NW Turner Ribbon |
1 1/2 x 6 May 20 21 25th Anniversary and Convention Ladies Auxiliary White Rosette with blue ribbon |
DTG-067 |
Park |
1932 Moline Turnfest Ribbon |
1 1/2 x 5 white ribbon with gold gilt hanger. Mid-West Invitational June 24-26. Ribbon belonged to Cora Rieche. |
DTG-068 |
Park |
NW Davenport Liedertafel Ribbon |
1 1/2 x 4 gurgandy ribbon with large metal medallion of Richard Wagner. Gegruendet 1885. |
DTG-069 |
Park |
1891 DTG Damen Sektion Ribbon |
2 x 20 silk sash ribbon Davenport Turngemeinde |
DTG-070 |
On Loan to the University of Iowa |
DTG Indian Clubs |
pair of indian clubs from Central Turner Hall, Davenport |
DTG-071 |
Park |
East Davenport Turn-Verein Ribbon |
2 1/2 x 9 1/2 with gilt hanger and celluoid FFST Frisch Frei Stark Treu medallion. By Whitehead & Hoag Newark N.J. |
DTG-072 |
Park |
Concord Germania Turn-Verein Ribbon |
2 1/4 x 7 Mitglied Moline, IL gilt hanger with heavy brass medallion FFST Frisch Frei Stark Treu. By Whithead & Hoag Newark N.J. |
DTG-073 |
Park |
1888 Übungen 13te Bezirks Turnefest |
5 x 7 1/2 8 pages Program of excercises for the June 2,3,4,5 District Turnfest in Davenport |
DTG-074 |
Park |
Central Turner Hall Souvenir Plate |
5 1/2 diameter porcelain place of Davenport Central Turner Hall. Reverse: Wheelock: Made in Germany for Harned Von Maur, Boston Store, Davenport, IOWA DRESDEN |
DTG-075 |
Park |
1926 National Turnfest Official Program |
American Turnerbund Louisville, KY June 15-20. 12 x 9 1/4 inches 72 pages |
DTG-076 |
Park |
American Turners Lapel Pin |
7/8 inch round screw-back pin. DTG-077 Park |
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn: Leben u. Wirken |
28 pages 8 1/2 x 5. Acquired at the Jahn Museum in Freyburg an der Unstrut Sept. 2010. |
DTG-078 |
Park |
Blue Davenport NW Turners Jacket |
Athletic team style jacket, blue with white stripes. No marking or tags inside to indicate owner or maker. |
DTG-079 |
Park |
1908 Kreis Turnfest Mailing Card |
5 1/2 x 3 1/2 card postmarked June 27, 1908. Addressed to Mr. J Pollak Chicago. |
DTG-080 |
Park |
Moline Turners Post Card |
Un-used color post card of the Moline Tuner Hall. Reverse: Established July 27, 1866 |
DTG-081 |
Park |
1952 Turners Bowling Button |
1 1/2 inch round plastic button with metal backing & pin. |
DTG-082 |
Park |
N W Turner Hall Dance Invitation |
Circa 1922 4 1/2 x 2 1/2 |
DTG-083 |
Park |
1936 Turners Cleveland Map |
Fold-out map of Cleveland, Socialer Turn Verien welcome item. |
DTG-084 |
Park |
Central Turner Hall Song Cards |
6 examples 4 1/2 x 8 numerous songs for sing-a-long at Turner Hall |
DTG-085 |
Park |
1948 Physical Education Review |
5 1/2 x 8 1/2 folded |
DTG-086 |
Park |
Davenport Central Turners Bowling Alley |
B & W picture postcard of the bowling alley once located in the Central Turner Hall in Downtown Davenport, IOWA |
DTG-087 |
Web Image Only |
1901 Davenport Maennerchor Button |
1 3/4 inch celluoid pinback button commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Davenport Turngemeinde. Maennerchor (mens chorus). Union lable on reverse mfg. by Whitehead & Hoag, Newark, NJ Patent dates on reverse. |
DTG-088 |
Park |
2011 Turnfest Booklet |
8 1/2 x 5 1/2 16 pages plus cover. Schuetzen Park advertisement within. |
DTG-089 |
Park |
Davenport Männerchor Central Park |
60th Anniversary of the Davenport Männerchor photo taken in Central Park. Circa 1911. |
DTG-090 |
Web Image Only |
1947 Turner Newspaper Article |
Turner Societies Hold Last Showing of Gymkana Here Tonight |
DTG-091 |
Park |
1947 Turner Newspaper Article |
Moline Turners Launch Gym Activities |
DTG-092 |
Park |
Rock Island, IL Turner Hall Photo |
9 x 11 b & w photo. Possibly stood at the location of Rock Islands current City Hall. |
DTG-093 |
Park |
American Turner Patch |
3" round red & white clothing patch. |
DTG-094 |
Park |
1905 Davenport Turngemeide Membership Card |
Hugo Ranzows membership Card. 3.5 x 1.75. John Berwald signature as Treasurer. |
DTG-095 |
Park Turner Collection Lock Box |
Moline Turner Mug |
1960 Charter Member Stein Club of the Moline Turners Wilbert Slieter. 5 1/4 tall made by Burk Patterson Co of Detroit |
DTG-096 |
Park |
Moline Turners Pioneer Singers Trophy |
17" tall trophy. Pioneer Singers of the Moline Turners Their 100th Anniversary from German-American Central Society Peoria 1958 |
DTG-097 |
Park |
2013 Jügesheim Turnverein Yearbook |
Annual yearbook of the Turnverein of Jügesheim, Germany |
DTG-098 |
Park |
2013 Deutsches Turnfest Materials |
Programs and materials from the Internationales Deutsches Turnefest in Mannheim, Germany , 2013. |
DTG-099 |
Park |
East Davenport Turners Auxiliary By-Laws |
3x5 booklet 1960 |
DTG-100 |
Park |
East Davenport Turners Auxiliary By-Laws |
3x5 Booklet 1951 |
DTG-101 |
Park |
Officielles Protokolle |
Multi-year Protokolle of the North American Tunerbund 1902 Davenport, 1904 Pittsburg and 1906 Newark. |
DTG-102 |
Park |
1891 Davenport Turngemeinde Verfassung |
7 x 5 42 page booklet printed at Der Demokrat. Includes amendments from a previous 1886 version. |
DTG-103 |
Park |
Davenport Central Turner Hall Shell Shaped Dish |
5-inch porcelain dish marked Made in Austria for J.H.C. Petersen and Sons Davenport, IOWA |
DTG-104 |
Park |
Pretzel Alley Gesundheit Post Card |
Turner Fair Alt Heidelberg 24-19 Nov. 1906 Pretzel Alley postcard. 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 printed at The Democrat. |
DTG-105 |
Park |
Spooning in Pretzel Alley Post Card |
Turner Fair Alt Heidelberg 24-19 Nov. 1906 Pretzel Alley postcard. 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 printed at The Democrat. |
DTG-106 |
Park |
Pretzel Alley Gretchens Post Card |
Turner Fair Alt Heidelberg 24-19 Nov. 1906 Pretzel Alley postcard. 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 printed at The Democrat. |
DTG-107 |
Park |
1908 Kreis Turnfest Group Photo |
4 x 3 1/2 photo of Turner Team of unknown individuals from unknown participating Verein at Schuetzen Park June 25-28. |
DTG-108 |
Park |
1908 Kreis Turnfest Group Photo |
4 x 3 1/2 photo of Turner Team of unknown individuals from unknown participating Verein at Schuetzen Park June 25-28. |
DTG-109 |
Park |
1908 Kreis Turnfest Group Photo |
3 1/4 x 5 1/2 Chicago team on parallel bars on the athletic field at Schuetzen Park |
DTG-110 |
Park |
Carl Hartz - DTG Member Photo |
Carl Charles (Dick) Hartz Sr. Birth 3. Aug 1883 in Davenport, Scott, Iowa, USA Death 25. Jan 1944 in Rock Island, Rock Island, Illinois, USA (circa 1900 tintype flipped) - from Camilla Hartz Hollister collection |
DTG-111 |
web image only |
D.T.G. Camp Post Card |
Real photo postcard of the Davenport Turngemeinde Campgrounds near Princeton, Iowa. |
DTG-112 |
Park |
1915 Turnbezirk Delegate's Medal |
Metal and celluloid medal for the April 17-18 Convention of the Upper Mississippi Valley Turner District hosted by Davenport N.W. Tuners. |
DTG-113 |
Park |
Turner Hall Plate |
5" diameter fancy plate depicting the Central Turner Hall in Davenport. Made in Dresden, sold in the Boston Store, Davenport |
DTG-114 |
Park |
1938 N.W. Turner Sing-A-Long Card |
1938 Turner Convention hosted by the N.W. Davenport Turner Society. about 11 x 17 inches 4-fold |
DTG-115 |
Park |
N.W. Davenport Turner Token |
Aluminum token. 22mm Reverse side blank. |
DTG-116 |
Park |
1907 Rock Island Turngemeinde Flag |
4ft x 6ft silk flag of the Rock Island Turngemeinde 1857-1907. 50th Anniversary |
DTG-117 |
Park |
1907 Rock Island Turnverein Program |
5 1/5 x 7 bi-fold paper program for the 50th anniversary of the Turnverein |
DTG-118 |
Park |
Upper Missiissippi Turner Constitution |
Pocket handbook size 6 total pages. |
DTG-119 |
Park |
1909 Rock Island Turner Constitution |
Small pocket booklet 4 x 5 with 92 pages. |
DTG-120 |
Park |
Pretzel Alley Waltz Sheet Music |
1906 Turner Fair "Alt-Heidelberg" sheet music. |
DTG-121 |
Park Oversize Item Box |
1979 Moline Turnfest Event Fob |
2 inch x 1 1/2 inch arrowhead designed event souvenir. Blank reverse. |
DTG-122 |
Park |
1908 FDL Turners at Schuetzen Park Kreis Turnfest |
5 1/2 x 3 1/2 Real photo post card. Reverse Geo. Sanders and F.D.L Turners. Un-used not posted. |
DTG-123 |
Park Turner File |
1908 DTG Special Meeting Notice |
Special notice to members to discuss the sale of the Grand Opera House. |
DTG-124 |
Park |
Turner Works Booklet |
Nineteen pages 5 1/4 X 8 1/4 inches circa 1930 |
DTG-125 |
Park - Turner Box |
Davenport NW Turner Stoneware Cup |
Small cup for unknown purposes, size of a coffee cup. No maker mark. No handle. |
DTG-126 |
Park |
1924 Midwest Kreis Turnfest Medal |
1 x 1/2 dia. brass medal with hanger. Kreis Turnfest (Mispelled Kreiss) Whithead & Hoag Mfg. Moline, IL |
DTG-127 |
Park |
Eldridge Turn Verein Lapel Button |
5/8 inch Maker maker on reverse I U in double acorn |
DTG-128 |
Park |
Eldridge Turn Verein Lapel Ribbon |
9 x 2 1/2 with celluloid pin-back. Wagner Printerty Davenport |
DTG-129 |
Park |
Eldridge Turn Verein Honored Member Ribbon |
9 x 2 1/2 with celluloid pin-back. Ehrenmitglied |
DTG-130 |
Park |
1929 Upper Mississippi Turnfest Ribbon |
4 x 1 / 2 with metal pin-back and round center medallion 1 inch dia. |
DTG-131 |
Park |
Cleveland Turnfest Program 1936 |
4 1/4 x 9 32 pages. Turnfest results written in by hand on last few pages. |
DTG-132 |
Park - Turner Box |
N.W. Davenport Turner's Trade Token 5cents |
3/4 x 3/4 square aluminium trade token. |
DTG-133 |
Park |
1906 Turner Fair Green Glass Cup |
3 inch tall x 2 1/2 inch diameter green milk glass cup/mug. Produced for sal at the 1906 Turner Fair "Alt Heidelberg" |
DTG-134 |
Park |
1902 Davenport Turnhalle Event Postcard |
5 1/2 x 3 1/4 Bundestagsatzung from July 1902. Christmas greetings in writing, sent to Germany. |
DTG-135 |
Park |
1897 St Louis Turnfest Honorable Mention Certificate |
Framed 22 x 19 - List names of Davenport Turngemeinde members who participated. Had laurel leaf wreath and silk ribbon, very deteriorated. |
DTG-136 |
Park |
Louisville Turnfest June 1926 |
Framed period photo. Philadelphia Turngemeinde Team at Louisville. Reverse signed by J.A. Welzenbach. |
DTG-137 |
Park |
DTG 50th Anniversary Book |
6 x 9 format. 125 pages. Authored by August Paul Richter, printed by Henry Lischer Publishing. 1902 |
DTG-138 |
Park |
1911 Kansas City Turnfest / Davenport Team Photo |
8 x 10 b/w Kreis Turnfest, Davenport Team, most likely N.W. Davenport Turner Society. Photo by Nordling Studio K.C. Mo. |
DTG-139 |
Park |
1911 Kreis Turnfest Medal |
As seen in photo. DTG-140 Park |
1897 St. Louis Turnfest Medal |
2 piece aluminum made by Trebus and Steiner of St. Louis. 3 inches by 1.5 inches. |
DTG-141 |
Park |
1908 Kreis Turnfest Nordwest Davenport Team |
16 x 20 inch photo on heavy pasteboard. Photo taken at Schuetzenpark, Davenport. |
DTG-142 |
Park |
Pretzel Alley Cant Make me Mad Post Card |
Turner Fair Alt Heidelberg 24-19 Nov. 1906 Pretzel Alley postcard. 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 printed at The Democrat. |
DTG-143 |
Park |
Nordwest Davenport Turnverein Team Photo |
11 x 14 image of N.W. Davenport Turnverein team members at unk. event at unk. location - early 1900s. Matted and framed. |
DTG-144 |
Park |
American Turners Belt Buckle |
3 inch diameter. Made by Wyoming Studio Artworks. |
DTG-145 |
Park |
American Turners Embroidery Patch |
3.5 x 2 inch red, white & blue. |
DTG-146 |
Park |
American Turners 25 Year Membership Pin |
Half inch diameter - no maker\'s mark. Pin clasp on reverse. |
DTG-147 |
Park |
Nordwest Davenport Turnverein 1908 Kreis Turnfest |
Unused picture postcard 5.5 x 3.5, publisher unknown. |
DTG-148 |
Park |
Wilkommen Zum Turnfest Pennant |
12 x 24 linen red, white, blue with stars for border. |
DTG-149 |
Park |
1908 East Davenport Turner Fair pin |
Quarter size celluloid on metal pin-back. Condition: Fair Donated by Kory Darnall |
DTG-150 |
Park |